Conservative Viewpoints

"Government is not the solution…it is the problem" -Ronald Reagan

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McCain will lead the way

Posted by Stephen on February 8, 2008

It is often said that a person’s character is defined, not by the number of times one is knocked down, but on how well they pick themselves up. If that rings true, Senator John McCain stands tall as a man of great character.

Time and time again he has had to dig deep to find the stamina to continue on while enduring extreme hardships. Once a prisoner of war, McCain has survived much more than political hardships. Now all that stands in his way of overcoming life’s brutal lessons and reaching his dream of becoming President of the United States is, well, himself.

More and more the Senator from Arizona looks, sounds, walks and talks like the future President of the United States. His detractors feel the same way.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., was straightforward in expressing his support for McCain while speaking at the CPAC convention.

“I’ve had some disagreements with John McCain over the years, but he’s my friend,” McConnell said. “More importantly for this race, he’s a conservative. And he has my full support. When Americans see what the liberals are offering this year, we’ll win again,” McConnell said, adding that eight years ago, Bush “showed the Clintons the door.”

“With the help of you all, we’re going to make sure they stay out,” he said.

President Bush, who waged a very aggressive campaign against McCain in 2000 is urging conservatives to rally behind who ever emerges as the GOP candidate.

“The stakes in November are high. This is an important election. Prosperity and peace are in the balance,” Bush told about 2,000 people attending the Conservative Political Action Conference. “So with confidence in our vision and faith in our values, let us go forward, fight for victory and keep the White House in 2008.”

McCain will lead the United States to victory in Iraq, will defend our homeland, will maintain a strong military, has shown more of his blueprint for economic success as of late, will take on special interest and will make reducing spending and the size of government the foundation for his Presidency.

There is not a lot left to ask for, and conservatives should appreciate what he does stand for instead of micro managing what he does not stand for.

Stephen Winslow is the executive editor of Conservative Viewpoints.

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